How can you help?

  • Pray for the work
  • Donate for Famine Relief
  • Support a preacher/evangelist
  • Support the training of a preacher/evangelist
  • Mobile Medical Clinic Support
  • Purchase Bibles
  • Pay for the digging of a well, provide water pumps and water storage tanks, or provide funds to develop a water distribution system
  • Go to Kenya-encourage and teach the people, be part of a medical team, construct a church building or school

Future Plans


  • Complete the hand dug well on the Tulia school property
  • Install 20 additional water distribution points (called water kiosks) connected to the two deep wells
  • Teach water purification techniques


  • Continue famine relief as needed
  • Provide additional training to improve agricultural production
  • Provide additional drip irrigation kits
  • Teach food dehydration/preservation


  • Provide used clothes
  • Teaching women to sew
  • Provide additional sewing machines


  • Provide pre-school teacher training
  • Build primary school classrooms at Masaani and Zombe
  • Build secondary school at Tulia
  • Provide basic school supplies
  • Sponsor the secondary school education of needy students and orphans

Health Care

  • Expand treatment options and medications available
  • Improve treatment rooms for the clinic
  • Provide eye glasses
  • Provide additional training for James (clinic operator)
  • Start a diagnostic lab with a part-time lab technician
  • Provide a medical mission team once a year

Community Development Projects

  • Grain milling cooperative
  • Chicken raising/egg laying cooperative
  • Fruit tree nursery
  • Raising mushrooms
  • Raising Jatropha tree for bio-diesel production
  • Raising Aloe Vera plants
  • Improving goat milk production

Meeting Spiritual Needs

  • Complete three borehole water project at Tulia
  • Drill wells at Nzawa, Masaani, and Kithumula
  • Provide water filters where needed
  • Continue to teach sustainable agriculture and food preservation
  • Help people help themselves through the community development projects
  • Build a secondary school that will incorporate Bible and vocational training
  • Provide an extension site for Nairobi Great Commission School at the school site
  • Train more preachers so that additional churches can be planted
  • Train Bible class teachers
  • Provide Bibles and song books in native language
  • Ask the question "how can we help" and respond to the needs expressed
  • Encourage through visits, letters, and prayers
  • Purchase land as a building site for Kivaki and Mwangya congregations
  • Assist with church buildings for congregations
  • Train more men to preach (4 more men will complete training in 2009)
  • Expand the use of World Bible School
  • Plant a seventh congregation
  • Provide Bibles for school children
  • Provide men’s leadership training
  • Provide a women’s inspiration day
  • Conduct one-on-one Bible studies
  • Hold community Bible studies
  • Provide open air Gospel meetings
  • Show Jesus film and Passion of the Christ
  • Provide Vacation Bible School type program for children

Get Involved


Caring for kenya
