
We would like to express our appreciation to our past secondary school education sponsors.    This education gives students hope for a better life in a poverty stricken country.  In 2012 seventeen of our students graduated from secondary school.  In 2013 twenty-eight more of our students graduated.  Our preachers in Kenya recommend new students for sponsorship.  The students we sponsor are orphans or from very poor families.  We are told over and over by students, parents, school administrators, teachers, and community members how much the education sponsorship program was impacting the lives of the students and their families.  We have several graduates who are now attending the university on scholarships.  


The sponsorship program began in 2008 with 22 students and has grown each year.  Sponsored students go through an application, interview, and recommendation process.   We monitor the student’s behavior and school performance.  The money you contribute is paid directly to the school for the student fees.


Day school student sponsorship is $200 per year and boarding school student sponsorship is $550 per year.    Contact us if you, or anyone you know, are able to sponsor either a day school or boarding school student for next year.  Checks made payable to “Caring for Kenya”

ustus Mutua says many people suffer from what he calls “poverty mentally sickness”; that is they say, “ I am poor, my family has always been poor, I will always be poor, and there is nothing I can do about it”.   Justus says

Student Sponsorshop Program

Caring for kenya